Beau Simpson Portfolio Picture


My name is Beau Simpson.
I am Full-Stack Web Developer
with experience in the
Mongo, Express, React, Node
language stack, object-oriented
design, and relational databases.


Keep Going Web Application
Burger App

Collaborative project built with React JavaScript library and dependencies, HTML, CSS, Mongoose.js, and Mongo Database. Deployed on Heroku

Clicky-Game! React App
Burger App

Built with React JavaScript library, HTML, CSS / Bootstrap CSS Framework.
Deployed on GitHub Pages

Bark N' Play Web App
Burger App

Collaborative project built with HTML, CSS/Materialize CSS Framework, Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars.js, and MySql. Deployed on Heroku

Eat-Da-Burger Web App
Burger App

Built with HTML, CSS/Bootstrap CSS Framework, Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars.js, and MySql. Deployed on Heroku

Mongo News Scraper
Burger App

Built with HTML, CSS/Bootstrap CSS Framework, Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars.js, Mongoose.js and Mongo Database. Deployed on Heroku

Friend Finder Web App
Unit-4-Game Website

Built using JavaScrtipt, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap CSS Framework, Node.js, and Express.js. Deployed on Heroku.

LIRI Node App

Built with JavaScript, moment.js, DotEnv, Node-Spotify-Api and Axios with multiple API Calls.

Bamazon Node CLI App
bamazon Node App

Built with JavaScript, Node.js, MySql Database, Inquirer Node Module and MySql Node Module.

GIPHY API Search Website
GIPHY API Search Website

Built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap CSS Framework, JavaScript, jQuery and utilizes the GIPHY API.